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21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

1) The Law of the Lid - "How well you lead determines how well you succeed."

- Leadership has a multiplying effect. Your leadership ability combined with your success dedication determine your effectiveness.

2) The Law of Influence - "The true measure of leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less."

- If you don't have influence, you will never be able to lead others.

Five Myths About Leadership

1. The Management Myth - Leadership is about influencing people to follow, management focuses on maintaining systems and processes.

2. The Entrepreneur Myth - Entrepreneurs are skilled at seeing opportunities & going after them, not inherently leading.

3. The Knowledge Myth - Knowledge doesn't equate to leadership.

4. The Pioneer Myth - Being a trendsetter is not the same as being a leader.

5. The Position Myth - A position only gives you a chance.

Factors Determining Your Influence

  • Character: Who you are

  • Relationships: Who you know

  • Knowledge: What you know

  • Intuition: What you feel

  • Experience: Where you've been

  • Past Success: What you've done

  • Ability: What can you do

3) The Law of Process - "Leadership develops daily, not in a day."

- It is the capacity to develop & improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from their followers.

4) The Law of Navigation - "Anyone can steer the ship, a leader charts the course."

  • Navigators don't let emotions cloud their vision.

  • Navigators draw on past experiences.

  • Navigators examine conditions before committing.

  • Navigators listen to others.

  • Navigators balance fact & faith.

5) The Law of Addition - "Leaders add value by serving others."

6) The Law of Solid Ground - "Trust is the foundation of leadership."

7) The Law of Respect - "People naturally follow better leaders than themselves."

8) The Law of Intuition - "Leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias."

9) The Law of Magnetism - "Who you are is who you attract."

10) The Law of Connection - "Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand."

11) The Law of the Inner Circle - "Those closest to you determine your level of success."

12) The Law of Empowerment - "Only secure leaders give power to others."

13) The Law of the Picture - "People do what people see."

14) The Law of Buy-In - "People buy into the leader, then the vision."

15) The Law of Victory - "Leaders find ways for the team to win."

16) The Law of the Big Mo - "Momentum is a leader's best friend."

17) The Law of Priorities - "Leader understand that activity isn't necessarily accomplishment."

18) The Law of Sacrifice - "A leader must give up to go up."

19) The Law of Timing - "When to lead is as important as what to do & where to go."

20) The Law of Explosive Growth - "A leader's lasting value is measured by succession."

21) The Law of Legacy - "A leader's lasting value is measured by succession."


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