All suppliers will require a credit check on you and the name of your lender.
Finding your Suppliers:
Sand & gravel company (for driveway & backfill)
Brick company (for face / decorative brick)
Concrete block & brick company (for mortar mix & building block)
Concrete supply company (concrete for basements, garages, footings, & driveways)
Lumber company or Home Center (framing lumber, nails, windows, doors, roofing, siding, paneling, interior & exterior trim)
Flooring company (vinyl, wood, tile, & carpet)
Cabinet shop (to fabricate custom cabinets, or lumber company for pre-made cabinets)
Countertop company (granite or marble counters, hearth, vanities, etc.)
Lighting fixture supplier (light fixtures, bathroom fans, exhaust fans)
Paint store (for wallpaper, paint usually purchased by painter)
Appliance store (some lumber / lighting stores carry appliances)
Insulation company
Tile company (ceramic tile, marble, any decorative stonework)
Drywall company (sheetrock is most common brand)
Any specialty suppliers for items not covered above
Large home centers or lumber companies may carry most items you need, but may have limited selections or worse pricing when compared to a specialty supplier.
When you find a good lumber company, give your plans to the "contractor" sales department to let them provide a takeoff of items they can provide.
Let all suppliers aid you with a takeoff & product ideas.
Delivery of Materials:
Most companies will assist you, or be responsible for, delivery, by making sure materials are delive3red on time, but not so far in advance that they are stolen.
You may permit your carpenter to order necessary materials directly from your lumber supplier.
Buying at Builder's Cost:
Be sure to ask whether the quoted price is the "builder's price", since you are the builder, whether you decide to incorporate or not.
Paying your Suppliers:
Some suppliers offer at least 30 days to pay without penalty.
Some independent stores may offer a small discount if you pay by the 10th of the next month.
Try not to order at the end of the month if this applies.
You will use construction draws to pay off all of your suppliers.
Construction draws are based on labor completed & materials in place, not stored on site.
Waivers of Lein:
Whenever you pay a sub or supplier, have them sign a waiver of lien.
A waiver of lien means that person / company has been paid & can't legally seek more money for that service or supplies.
Open a separate checking account to handle all construction bills by check, no matter how small.
Save all receipts & waivers of lien for your lender & tax advisor.
Code each check you write to one of the categories on the estimate spreadsheet.